Ye shes rngam pa glog gi ’khor lo’i mdo

I wonder what would be a possible Sanskrit title for Ye shes rngam pa glog gi ’khor lo’i mdo (D830). Negi gives the catalog version of the title for Ye shes rngam pa glog gi ’khor lo as *Jñānāścaryadyuticakra. Perhaps we should also consider something like (a) *Jñānasaṃrambhavidyucccakrasūtra (“Discourse on the Flashing Thunderbolt [characterized by] Fury/Vehemence of Gnosis”) and (b) *Jñānāviṣṭavidyuccakrasūtra (“Discourse on the Flashing Thunderbolt possessed by Gnosis”)? For the latter, it is worth noting the expression mahākaruṇāviṣṭa (snying rje chen pos rngam pa) of the Gaṇḍavyūhasūtra (referred to by Negi). The other alternative title is brTul zhugs chen po bsgrub pa’i rgyud. The component brtul zhugs chen po could likely be *mahāvrata but what about bsgrub pa? Too many possibilities. *Mahāvratapratipatitantra? *Mahāvratasiddhitantra?

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